Our Best Seller Hero story behind the Curtain

Smolíček Pacholíček (Smoleeczech) – was a small boy who lived in a small cottage with his Guardian Deer. Deer was trying to  protect him and educate him. As the story tales us, there were Evil Forest Women always hungry and that hunger forced them to kidnap Smoliček into their cave (and eat him)…

Because this curtain is our best seller, I want to share complete story behind this motif. How it ends you will find out in this short video: O Smolíčkovi

So do not be scared and enjoy this old Czech Fairy Tale. The end is happy as usual 🙂

Pillowmania / our designs for pillow covers

Hi everybody,

we have some news from our store – we decided to sew much more pillows then we firstly wanted.

We repeat our favourite motifs from our curtains and pictures, so it makes completed series.


This is our UFO collection, and of course you can add our picture and calendar!


Cats work together!


Screen Shot 2015-03-09 at 13.29.08 large pillow with the boy and his Deer.

All our new pillows you can find in our two shops:



Time for Santa

I decided to start with english written word here on our blog sometimes. I saw yesterday very interesting blog of woman from Utah, she creates things mainly for decorating houses. And here is her blog:


I met several Santas and now I know, that we also have Santa among our items: Our Santa is really very very special, it is Princess Santa with gifts… As a person from the heart of Europe I have a little problem with Santa in his usual way, that is why my Santa is different 🙂

Good night all of you and sleep well!

https://www.etsy.com/listing/93340395/princess-santa?ref=shop_home_active_11princess Santa

Kalendář 2015 ve jménu UFO je hotov

Konečně přišel – ještě teplý z tiskárny – náš ufonský kalendář. Kvalitní tisk na ofsetovém papíře s černou závěsnou lištou již zdobí náš pokoj – ačkoliv rok 2015 ještě nenastal.

Uznejte sami, Ufoni, kteří si hrají ve vesmíru plném hvězd a planet barevně rozehrají každou stěnu!


kalendar_2015_SMALLER ufo_22 ufo_25ufo_23 ufo_24 ufo_26 ufo_27